Coronavirus (COVID-19) School Closure Video Lessons

Here are the Coronavirus (COVID-19) School Closure Video Lessons with Mr. Floyd! As part of your at-home Science Work during this unprecedented time of school closures, your job is to WATCH each one of these Video Lessons and then POST a COMMENT containing FOUR (4) things you LEARNED from WATCHING it along with a SCIENTIFIC QUESTION about something you'd like me to answer in a future $CI FAX Video!

Lesson #1 - What is a VIRUS?


Lesson #2 - What can KILL a Virus?

Lesson #3 - What is a QUARANTINE?

Lesson #4 - Why Can't You SEE A Virus?

Lesson #5 - Why is it CALLED a VIRUS?

Lesson #6 - What is a VACCINE?

Lesson #7 - What is a PANDEMIC?

$ci FAX with Chef Floyardee

NAME THAT SPECIES (Starring Chef Floyardee)

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