Pokémon Floyd

Pokémon Floyd!

Pokémon Floyd Version

This is the Beta Version of Pokémon Floyd, and as such more badges and content are to be added!

NOTE: This game is designed for use in my Science Class to help my students learn about the SCIENTIFIC METHOD, thus allowing it to fall under Educational Fair Use for help with TEACHING!

Controls are as follows:

A - "z"

B - "x"

Up - "Arrow Up"

Down - "Arrow Down"

Left - "Arrow Left"

Right - "Arrow Right"

Start - "Enter"

Select - "Space"

To PLAY simply click HERE to download the Pokémon Floyd file, and then UPLOAD it into the Emulator below!

NOTE: Make sure to always SAVE your game as well by hitting "Enter" and then scrolling down and clicking on SAVE!

List of Hall-Of-Fame Trainers Who've Beaten Pokémon Floyd:

Untitled Document
  • Mr. Floyd aka Chef Floyardee
  • Piggy Luce
  • Raurin Percario
Name Size Modified
{{file.name}} {{prettySize(file.rom.size)}} {{prettyDate(file.modified)}}
upload a file to play!
pal:{{pal}} vol:
{{fps.toFixed(1)}} FPS






















