Chasey Boy

I REMEMBER my Mother singing to me and calling me 'Chasey Boy' whenever we would do things that involved MOTION, like swinging on a swingset or riding a MERRY-GO-ROUND!

Two pages down!! Woo!! Let's keep going, but before I go AHEAD I must go BACK just a bit!!! I did not mention the house I was born in and initially grew up in at all in the previous two pages, which is something that just CANNOT be allowed to happen if telling the STORY of my LIFE (WOAH! That was A LOT of ALL CAPS!)! This was intentional though since my MEMORIES did not really begin to form until 1995 or so (the year in which the "Baby Chay" nickname was replaced by "Chasey Boy" to coincide with my status as a baby coming to a close!)! Anywho, these MEMORIES that I have from around this time mainly took place inside of This "Old" HOUSE; MY "Old" HOUSE!

Baby Cay and Chay 'inside' of their OLD HOUSE (which was originally BROWN but apparently has been PAINTED since this picture was CREATED with a photo I found of our OLD HOUSE on the WEB!)! Okay so I did a little editing and here is a slightly more accurate picture of the BROWN that I REMEMBER!

The house in the above picture is the house that my earliest memories stem from and it has thus always been known to me as my "Old House" since it was the first house I ever lived in. My family moved into this house, located at 1871, Taylor Drive, Center Valley, Lehigh County, PA just before I was born. Prior to this my Father, Mother, and Sister lived in a small trailer next to my Paternal Grandmother's house in the town of Trumbauersville, which is located just outside of Quakertown (Bucks County, PA). The arrival of another "Bundle of Floyd" meant more space was needed though (yes, this was a reference to me being a MASSIVE BABY!), so the cross county move was meant to accomodate this!

The FLOYD FAMILY was originally centered around SOUTHEAST Pennsylvania!

As I alluded to above, all of my earliest memories are obviously from this house, its yard, and the surrounding areas I visited while growing up. This house thus holds a very special place in my heart. We would eventually move from this house in June of 1998 with the primary goal of obtaining more land though, but despite my fondness for this house and the memories I have there I have yet to return!


This has been intentional though, since I do not want my memories to be "tainted" at all. The entire "Allentown Area", which as far as I am concerned includes all of Bucks and Lehigh County, has changed A LOT over the years mainly due to an increasing population in relatively nearby Philadelphia. I thus imagine all of the places I REMEMBER, such as the EPIC Hellertown Park and Pool, the LANE-CO & Kings Shopping Center, the BLUE STORE, the BARBELL Area, the DQ, the CARP PONDS, the DINO-SPONGE BROWN BUILDING, and others have changed so much that it just would not be the same. I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes it truly is better to just leave certain things in the past if you want them to remain the way you remember them...!

Let's go on a TOUR of all of the places I REMEMBER, starting with my ORIGINAL BACK YARD! So you're prob wondering what those random blobs are... Well I wish I could say that it was a SQUATCH phasing through into this dimension, but it is actually my SISTER! I had to edit her out of these pics since I could not find any of ME in our yard and I wanted these to emphasize the YARD more and her HAIR was DISTRACTING! Alright alright...jeez...don't give me that face...I'll edit you back in... Oooh! Here's one during the GREEN Months! I still don't know what is more distracting though...the WATER DAMAGE this photo has or that RED FRO! MODERN DAY pitures of the OLD FLOYD HOUSE found on a REALTY Website! Wowza...it looks...KINDA the same! Still though...that paint job...yuck...BROWN was so much BETTA! So it looks like Robin and Mardi trimmed about as much as we did! :P That is the garage in which the storied 'Thumb-Saw Incident' of 1997 occurred (which will be discussed in more detail in a future Pocket-In-Time Story!)! What the J did they do to the backyard!!! Where is our DOG PEN?! And are the fences even still there to keep the McPoyles out?!?!?! I remember playing on those hardwood floors, so at least that is still there! This room was full of so much random STUFF that we literally could not even walk through it! So in other words it was just the way I like it! Okay so they re-did the dining room...I wonder if they got the stains off of the wall from that time I...yeah...remember that diaper control incident from the 1993 page that I mentioned... The upstairs corridor was so cool since it was so narrow but there were a ton of doors to go into! My old room! My old window! It looks kinda the same! -turns to look at other side of room- OMG WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY ROOM! Maybe the basement won't be as differen...sigh...they replaced Purple-Carpet Concrete Beanie Turtle Basketball Court with Bamboo Walls...ugh...let's get the J out of here... Look at this cool postcard I found addressed to my OLD HOUSE (yah its from 96 but so what...it just goes with this...!)! Wow! What a coincidence! What are the odds that the other side would have the BLUE RIDGE Mountains on it...and...oh wait...is that the PUMA I saw...wait...no...well...maybe...hmmm...this is a POCKET-IN-TIME Story for another DAY so we shall revisit this THEN!

1995 was another great year though, and one of the highlights of it (aside from being able to finally have MEMORIES!) was when my family got our first DOGS! Now, prior to my being born my family briefly had a Black Lab named "Blackie" as the family pet. Note that I once had a picture of Blackie, but for the life of me I just cannot seem to be able to find it! Blackie was, from what I have been told, similarly difficult to find since he was always running around and getting into trouble! Blackie was a puppy though so this was to be expected, but apparently after biting my sister's arm my parents felt that we were not ready for a dog yet so they gave him away to another family. A few years later though, around Easter of 1995, we would eventually not only finally get A dog but we would get TWO dogs; CUTTER and CHEYENNE!

Just WHEN do MEMORIES even BEGIN to FORM! I wanna know for today's $CI FACT! Maybe I should READ this BOOK to FIGURE this OUT! The picture of Blackie is a real-life 404 ERROR! CUTTER and CHEYENNE! CHEYENNE and CUTTER!

I do not recall exactly, but I think Cutter (our Male, Yellow Lab), and Cheyenne (our Female, Chocolate Lab) were our first pets and thus members of our family before our birds "Chuckie" and "Chi-Chi" (who like Blackie also appear to have not left any pictorial artifacts behind but unlike Blackie will be mentioned again in more detail on one of these pages!). Due to the fact that my memory is flawless and that I did not have to call my Mother to ask her clarifying questions about my youth prior to writing any of this I am confident when I say that Cutter (our Male, Yellow Lab) and Cheyenne (our Female, Chocolate Lab) were my family's second set of pets after our birds "Chuckie" and "Chi-Chi" which were brought home from my father from work one day as a family gift purchased by my mother at a pet store but unfortunately did not live long due to suffering from heart attacks. I do not know for certain, but perhaps the birds, blue and green Parakeets, were meant to be "practice" pets if you will. Despite having a little bit of Family-Pet Experience though, there were still a lot of family "Growing Pains" (a nice word for doggy messes, puppies falling down steps, kids getting bitten, and having to figure out how to take care of two new beasts!) around this time as there often is in a family welcoming new members of any species, but I remember all of these fondly!

CUTTER and CHEYENNE doing an awesome INTERPRETIVE DANCE! Woah! It's CHUCKIE and CHI CHI! BIRD POWER! Okay so imagine this show...just with us...and our dogs...doing things related to taking care of young puppy pets...so in other words imagine something totally unrelated to this show...!

We kept Cutter and Cheyenne in this awesome little outdoor pen that connected to our basement doors, which allowed us to bring them inside our house's basement whenever we wanted or needed to. They were mainly what one would call "outside" dogs though, but this worked quite well for them since Cutter and Cheyenne were originally born on a FARM!

CUTTER and CHEYENNE in their awesome PEN-HOUSE!

You see, Cutter was born on January 29th 1995 and Cheyenne was born a little bit later on February 15th on an Amish-Owned farm located in Lancaster, PA. (Note that we were told that Cutter and Cheyenne were related and they were probably DOG-COUSINS!)! When my family chose to begin looking for a dog the search was directed towards finding just one, but when we found an article in the paper stating that TWO full-breed lab puppies were free to a good home we just had to go investigate this offer. And investigate we did! I remember my entire family piling into my father's Blue Long-Bed Chevy Silverado and driving for what seemed like hours on a Hot-Spring-Day over to Lancaster to check out these dogs, and upon arriving there we were treated with some amazing hospitality from the Amish family who lived there. This family had two children close in age to my sister and I, and their names were "Boy-ie" and "Girl-ie". Yes, that is NOT something that I just made up! Boy-ie and Girl-ie were some of the NICEST kids we ever met, and they each gave my sister and I STUFFED BUNNIES as gifts since if I recall it was either Easter weekend or just after Easter. These bunnies, an Orange one for me and a Purple one for my sister, have an EPICALLY SAD story of their own, but this is something that is going to need not only its own page but also a whole bunch of tissues to wipe my tears away with when I finally get around to telling it...

OMG it wasn't an INTERPRETIVE DANCE, it was a MAGIC TRICK and CHEYENE made CUTTER vanish!!! LANCASTER, a GREAT NAME for a DOG and also known as DUTCH COUNTRY! She was a long-bed beauty with a blue tint! She was a long-bed beauty with a blue tint! Just a 6 foot bed 'n' it had it all! 'Cause that long-bed beauty had it allllll-oooo-allllll! I think the Amish Family had other kids too but we only met... BOYIE and GIRLIE! One day THEY shall RISE AGAIN...as ONE!

Any who, the entire Amish Family told us the dogs were both very nice, and when my sister and I met them this was confirmed with all of the puppy kisses and hugs they gave us! We were smitten as a family from the start, so needless to say we packed up the mini-sized Cutter and Cheyenne into a big cardboard box, placed them in-between my sister and I in the backseat, and headed home! The ride was not all smooth though, since I distinctly remember them escaping the box, jumping and accidentatly scratching my sister and I, and even trying to eat the "John Smith" action figure I had brought along to play with as we rode home!

Woah...this is SO TOTALLY not funny anymore! I know it's HALLOWEEN today but CUT it out CHEYENNE! Where is HE?!?! Did he mention anything about how he almost LEFT me to DIE at the OLD HOUSE, or is THIS the only mention I GET?! He's back! We found him! We found Cutter! Shame shame...put that furry little chocholate head down in...awww...what am I talking about! I could never stay made at either of you!

Eventually we would make it home though, which is something that would be a theme throughout the year of 1995; going places as a family and then going home (or to our EPIC mobile trailer aka BILLY'S now FAMOUS trailer!), but also finally REMEMBERING it to BOOT!

CAY and CHAY old-school kickin' it at BILLY'S TRAILER! Hey I FINALLY found a picture with my DAD and it looks like he was just in TIME to save us from the world FALLING OVER! AHHH!!! Hey wait...I don't REMEMBER this happening...or DO I?! Hmmmm....is this the first Beach-Vacation that I REMEMBER? Kinda...maybe...not sure.... Maybe if I ZOOM in more... Still not totally sure....maybe I need to ZOOM in again! The rocks seem familiar...could this be the Long-Island Beach-Trash Jelly-Fish Island trip?! Nawww...I was definitely a little bit older for that trip...or was I...?... Well maybe if I just ZOOM in some more...! And while we're at it, it being ZOOMING in, let's ZOOM in to the ONLY picture of the INSIDE of my OLD HOUSE that I could find that was TAKEN while I LIVED there (WHAT ROOM is this though?!...hmmmm....?!)!



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