Chasey Boy Part Deux: Enter The Mullet

Mullet Chay!

I AM MAKING PROGRESS!!!! GO CHEF GO GO GO!!!! I am now on my FOURTH page! Woo!!!! I literally have SOOO MUCH STUFF (pictures!) to go through as I write these pages though, that it can feel overwhelming at times! Not only that, I also have A TON of VIDEOS I am working on for CFI that I need to FINISH so that I can start working on all of my OTHER VIDEO IDEAS for CHASEFLOYDINC! Part of me really does feel overwhelmed by all of it, but I CANNOT give up! I WILL NOT give up! I CAN DO THIS! GO GO GO CHEF GO!!!!


I do miss the days of my youth though when I hadn't a care or worry in the world! 1996 was the HALCYON of this, as can be seen by the fact that I had let my hair grow wild AND by the fact that I was literally making frequent trips to the COOLEST place that ever was; DISCOVERY ZONE!!!!


I turned three years old in 1996, which meant that by this time I had begun forming A LOT of memories due to the fact that I was LEARNING, EXPERIENCING, and DOING a whole bunch of new and awesome things INDOORS (DZ! Playing that EPIC fishing game we had!) and OUTDOORS (Bounce Houses! Looking at REAL life FISH...and DOGS!)! I also remember all of the EVEN MORE EPIC kids shows (many of which from FOX KIDS, the MOST EPIC TV CHANNEL OF ALL TIME!) that had been released, such as BEETLEBORGS, which I would think about while looking at the toys listed in this EPIC SEARS CATALOG my mom kept in her (you guessed it!) AWESOME 1996 Teal Chevy Blazer (which was so EPIC that it even had a BUGSHIELD...!)! that she traded in her small red car (I think it was a Ford!) to fit our GROWING family inside of!

All of the LEARNING, EXPERIENCING, and DOING I did back in 96 led to A LOT of the IDEAS and INSPIRATION brought to life in my 100 CHALLENGE! DZ DISCOVERY ZONE! WHERE MULLET CHAY CAN BE A KID AND BE ON HIS OWN! Circa 96 Chay playing that EPIC fishing game we had while eating a HAPPY MEAL (I wonder what the TOY was?!)! 1996 Chay and Cay in an OUTDOOR BOUNCE HOUSE! (I wish this picture hadn't been water damaged but something is better than nothing I always say!)! 1996 Chase with GRANDMA FLOYD!!!! ZOOM IN TO LOOK AT THAT MULLET!!!! 1996 Chasey Boy and Cay playing with our DOGS (Cutter and Cheyenne!)! Beetleborgs premiered in 1996 on FOX KIDS, the MOST EPIC TV Channel OF ALL TIME, so we can at the very least say that the HAPPY MEAL TOY I got was not one of the BEETLEBORGS ones since they were RELEASED a year later! FOX KIDS ROCKS! BIG BAD BEETLEBORGS! BIIIIIGGGGGG BAAAAADDDDD BEEEETLEBORGS! The Beetleborgs were just SO COOL! FLABBER was one of my FAVORITE characters! If only this had actually happened...hmmm....wait a minute....yeaaahhh....! Okay so now I see what they did here...but that yeaaahhhh I had is not going anywhere! THIS CATALOG HAD THE MOST AMAZING TOYS IN IT OF ALL TIME!!!! TONS OF PR AND BB!!!! PROOF I STILL HAVE THIS AND THAT IT WAS DELIVERED TO MY OLD HOUSE! My mother's AWESOME Blazer is why I not only really like the color TEAL but also this ERA of GM vehicles -cough- MY SONOMA -cough- SINCE 1996 I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED BUGSHIELDS AND THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE!!!! CHEF'S HONOR!



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